Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I'm really excited about this.  All the hard work the past few months, weight training, dieting, gym membership and burning every calorie left in me at my new job... has given me abs.  ABS.  

I'm getting toned!  I was getting frustrated because I wasn't seeing results, but once I started working on a regular basis and burning off a trillion calories, whatever softness I had turns into muscle. 

• Breakfast:  Eggs, wheat English Muffin, Coffee (w/ Splenda)
•  Morning snack:  Yogurt, or my favorite; pineapple w/ granola
•  Lunch:  Mixed spinach salad w/ low fat dressing.  Apple or orange.
•  Dinner:  Varies.  No red meats; chicken & fish w/ veggies (I love asparagus)
•  Late Night:  I'm not great with this part, because after I'm done work or coming home from seeing friends, it's pretty late... and/or I eat like crap with said friends/co-workers.

•  45 minutes on the elliptical machine
•  30 minutes weight training
•  Thursday - Saturday, I'm burning around 500-700 calories at work *per* night.