Sunday, September 19, 2010

What I Learned This Week, Part 2

“Ones best success comes after their greatest disappointments.”

With Multiple Sclerosis and handling the diagnosis, I hear stories all of the time about abandonment. I understand that there are people out there that cannot deal with the issues that come with a friend that has MS. Personally, I’m loyal to the core, through thick and thin. To get respect, you have to give respect. I very much have an all-or-nothing attitude.

However, the abandonment I’ve encountered has come and go. My diagnosis is pretty much out in the open, even though I still feel uneasy speaking about it with people who haven’t been diagnosed. I know they are curious and I’m more than happy to supply them with information they need to know. I just don’t like making a big deal about it.

MS or not, there will still be people coming and going. Some mean more to me than others, and some break my heart when I feel I can no longer invest my friendship, let alone trust.

Unfortunately, I am still learning how to bargain with myself when it comes to opening up. I like to be polite, friendly and always lend a hand when someone is in need. I also don’t feel the need for the dramatic; I’m trying to live my life as harmonious as possible. But I can’t lie and say I end up disheartened when I let myself open up to someone to only be disappointed. It’s like taking two steps forward, then three steps back.