Earlier, I was writing essays for my grad school applications. They were all about my diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis, but I never gave a proper ending to the story on my blog.
I spent 4 more times in the hospital. This is only counting MS related visits; MS lowers your immune system and creates a whole lot of other hospital visits. With every visit, my faith in the universe dwindled down to the size of a pencil tip. But my last hospital visit was different. A very good friend, Astrid, sat down and said, "you need to fight."
"What the hell do you mean 'you need to fight'?"
"Remember when we were watching Animal Planet and the leopard was attacking the ram and the ram was just giving up? Then at the last minute, the ram just runs the damn thing into the wall and sticks it's horns in it?!", she asks. "You need to be the ram."
I had absolutely no idea what episode she was talking about. Although, I did get what she was trying to say and it made me realize that I was walking in pity of myself. This "woe is me" shit had to go. So I worked my ass off. I felt as if I couldn't live with myself unless I tried enough to accomplish something.
I receive a lot of e-mails asking me how I went from a wheelchair to walking again. There is no special diet. There are no cures with bee stings and snake venom (I'm not kidding, Google it). However, I did push myself every single day to walk, talk and function again. And don't just think your actions will take you far; you have to believe it. You have to believe that your hard work will pay off, that you could make your own happy ending.
Be the ram.