Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dear R.,

I hope you don’t mind me putting your e-mail up.

I wish I could tell you that the ride after a diagnosis is smooth. I wish I could tell you that you will have a wonderful support system in place and there is a lot of happiness ahead. There will be happiness, however, if you make it. The trick is to appreciate the little things. It is extremely easy to start asking, “why me?”, “how did this happen?” or my personal favorite, “what is going to happen to me?”

Don’t punish yourself. First of all, the people in your life will react differently; some people may become closer, some may fade away. Think of it as a natural way of flushing the bad apples out. Who needs them?

Second, believe in yourself. I know this sounds way corny, but you need to have confidence in yourself. You have been diagnosed with a terrible disease and you are pulling through. Think of all the people who complain about having a bad day, how they hate their job, or have a headache. And there you are – fighting MS. You are now officially stronger than most people you know (and most people I know).

As the anniversary of my diagnosis approaches, I’ve gone through a lot, but I am at a point I’m proud of. Take action; do things you were afraid to do before. You are about to have a new lease on life… grab it! I sound down in some posts, but you’ll have your rough days. Just take a look at the big picture. I have a few great friends in my life who treat me with most importance. I know they will always be there for me. I did eventually meet a guy who understood my diagnosis. It will be a little scary at first to put your trust in someone, but there will be a guy out there who will be great enough to make you want to break down your wall. It took me awhile, but I did find someone who accepted me for who I was and all the baggage I came with. There really are good guys out there, I promise.

And to you – or whoever else reads this blog in need of support – I am open arms. I know what it is like to feel absolutely alone in this world, and its amazing to find someone who cares.