This might be my last blog post for a little while (I am writing this one from class). My schedule is going to be very hectic and I won’t have much time to sleep, let alone write on Blogger.
I’ve been happy. Honestly cannot remember the last time I have been this relaxed and cool as a cucumber.
Before I begin, I want to clarify that I am a very loving and forgiving person. I don’t like conflict and I definitely don’t like drama. However, when people come into my life and offer nothing but trouble, there is nothing else I can do other than say goodbye – especially now. It is time to be selfish. If there is a situation or a person in my life that offers me nothing but pain and grief, I have no other option than to leave it behind. It is what it is. I’m a sensitive person, and outside forces effect me quite deeply. If you stick around positive, you feel positive.
Been thinking a lot this week about where I am now. If you told me in the beginning of this year I would be living where I am, doing what I’m doing and spending time with the people I’m spending time with; I’d think you are crazy. When I first decided to move to my apartment now, I made it a plan to work, go to school and carry on. I didn’t move here to make friends, have a ton of fun on the side or meet someone I have an awesome connection with. My priority was all work and no play.
But if I have learned anything important this year, it is that timing is everything. Friendships that have formed and bonded over 10+ years can fizz out. New acquaintances become closer and on their way to a better friendship. Sometimes feelings that were lost can be found again. Everything eventually has their way of working things out, and even if you don’t like the result, it may just be for the better.
More importantly, give into what is instead of what could or should be. Sometimes doing nothing is better than doing too much, or too little. Just enjoy the ride and stop thinking too much -- you'll miss the best parts.