Friday, November 25, 2011


This is just a small P.P.P.S.

My last cigarette was October 29, 2011. If you could see me right now, I am patting myself on the back, but somehow typing at the same time. Astrid was like, "oh, why don't you quit the Diet Coke too?"

And I was like,

I have been getting rad letters, e-mails, courier pigeons, you name it, telling me to get well + be awesome again. I want to thank every one of you for the encouragement when I needed it. I never felt alone. Well, maybe a few days I cried and whined about how I was, but I overall felt blessed with everyone's well wishes.

I have also been told how much life has been a giant crap taco lately for me. It kinda has. But as of right now, I feel happy. Not like, yay I just saw a rainbow happy. I feel I AM GOING TO MOTHER F@#%^ing DISNEY WORLD happy.

As much crap that has happened, there has been a lot of good things happening as well. That's Natalie, it's how I roll -- literally, I roll with the punches. But my karma has cashed in and life has been very, very insanely good to me.

So I apologize now before my blog starts to sound like an R rated Disney movie.

With the bad, the good tastes so much sweeter. I'm finally confident in myself. I am attempting to write a book. There is something huge going on right now I can't exactly talk about just yet. I've been meeting amazing new people. I'm able to WALK. Let me mention that again; I AM ABLE TO WALK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON! I feel lucky to have the life I do. Sounds a little crazy right? But it's true. I wouldn't trade it in for anything.

So don't worry about me. I have a feeling things will be just fine.

P.P.P.P.P.S: I will be making a video blog (vlog) tomorrow afternoon.