I always think to myself when reading back on things I have written and said to people, that I am an idiot. Obviously though, I mean I am an idiot in the sense that in the grand scheme of things I know absolutely nothing. But, I also acknowledge that in being able to look back and recognize my growth, successes, and mistakes, it really spotlights that I am constantly evolving into a superior version of myself.
And I think that's really wonderful.
These shots I'm taking are kicking my ass. I take them before bed so I don't feel the side effects (and for any of you that actually know me, me and sleep are not friends). I woke up at 8 am, totally shivering, wearing a sweater, a hoodie, two pairs of socks, with the blanket over my head. Even though my apartment said it was 75 degrees, it felt 20. These flu-like symptoms are about as awesome as a booze-fueled fight with a boyfriend.
I'm a real ride or die chick. Doesn't take much to make me happy.