Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Update On Dad

My dad is doing so, so, so very much better.  I am beyond proud of him for the progress he's made thus far with his recovery from open-heart surgery.  He's home now, with my mother.  Let me just say, I think the hospital made a major mistake by releasing him so early (I was told he would be there for awhile), though there is a nurse coming to their house every day.  I saw my dad last night, and there is more color in his face, but he looks beaten down.  I love that man -- I'd fight wars for that man.

He lifted up his shirt and said, "Nattie, want to see it?"
A huge vertical scar was still healing on his chest.  He was covered with bruises and bandages.
"Chicks dig scars, dad!," I tell him.

Thank you for all your support!