Dear friends,
I am still the same. I may not take life for granted so much anymore, I might appreciate the little things, and things I didn’t appreciate so much before. Because of my disability, I want to live life, love life more actively than I ever had. This means that I want to leave the house, I want to have a life, and I want to share my experiences with you. My disability does not keep me from being your friend, unless you are uncomfortable with it.
Multiple Sclerosis does not prohibit me from going to see a movie, visiting the beach, or any other fun things we used to do. If anything, I want to experience more places with you now, than before my diagnosis. I am not sick, nor a cripple. My diagnosis is my problem, not your burden, its mine to carry. I do not bitch, complain or cry about it because I’m stronger than I have ever been.
I am not a burden, an awesome handicapped parking space, a pharmacy, nor something to be embarrassed about. Be proud that you have a friend that has triumphed in hard times and came out in one piece.
If anything, I’m a better human being; my experiences have matured me and helped me see life in a different light.
Not in need of pity... just friendship,