“There is no greater gift than good health. Cherish it always.” -- my fortune cookie
Since this blog is about my life getting back on track after a brief lapse in health issues, I want to talk about the subject of dating.
Before the MS happened, I didn’t have a hard time finding a date for a Friday or Saturday night. But when I think back on it, I didn’t have any prerequisites for the guys I dated. For example, if the guy had absolutely no goal or future plan for himself, I really didn’t care. If he was unemployed, that didn’t bother me one bit.
I’m not sure if it’s my age, my health, or the combination of both, but I’m finding that I’m becoming picky. Four years is a long time to be single, but I’m happy I did; it was much needed. I needed that time to find myself, grow up and just learn from experiences.
Now, when I date, there are characteristics I look for that I hadn’t a few years ago. At first, I was just grateful to find someone that wouldn’t freak the hell out over the idea of a disability, even though visually you couldn’t tell something was wrong. Over time, and after many bad dates, I realized there is much more I want in someone.
I’m older now, either I’m too lazy or just very confident in the idea of having stability in my love life. Passion, romance; they are great, sure. All I want is a best friend, someone I can count on, trust and love with my whole heart.
No drama, no fighting; just easy breezy cheesy love.