Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chapter Two

I have video I'll put up soon from my doctor's appointment today.  Everything is in remission and I've got a clean bill of health!  Although, I gained a few pounds, but I think it's mostly muscle from jogging in the morning (or at least I hope it is, ha!).  I'm now at 144lbs.

I have a.. sorta?  date tonight.  We've been texting back and forth all day, stuff like, "oh my God I'm so excited!", "can't wait to see you!".  However, I won't be going into detail or writing about this very handsome man.  He's the crush I was talking about -- though, this crush stems back for many months and found out he's had feelings about me for a long time as well.  And wooo!, readers, let me tell you... he's a damn handsome man.  I only mention it now because it's the first time since my diagnosis of MS I've been truly honest and open with someone.  Like I've said before -- I'm super happy about it and really proud of myself.  And it's the first time in years a guy will actually get to know me, know who I really am and what my life is really about. 

Have any of you had similar experiences about pretending to have a semi-normal life?  Trying too hard in the name of hoping no one sees you as the sick friend?  Acting totally crazy because you're trying to be something you're not?  Send in a reader's submission!

Vlog coming soon.

We're calling this Chapter 2:  Doing It Right.