One of the most difficult things about MS is deciding whether or not to divulge your secret to newer people in your life. Not only that, "Hey, I have MS .. AND .. cancer!" As a single girl in her late twenties, I’ve been uncomfortable talking about my disease. Usually, most men have no idea what Multiple Sclerosis is to begin with. Cancer is a WHOLE OTHER ISSUE. (but this blog is not about that!) The other majority immediately thinks I’m disabled, unable to do even the simplest tasks. Even though I’m active every day and experience little to no symptoms, MS can be a red flag in the dating game.
“Can you have babies?” Yes.
“Can you take care of yourself?” Yes.
“Do you need a wheelchair?” No.
“How do you feel now?” Like anyone else!
If anything, I’d think having MS would give me the upper hand. I’ve been in a wheelchair, learned to walk again, all with doctors telling me I couldn’t. MS has taught me how to be strong and how to conquer even the most difficult of situations, especially for someone as young as I am. I have experience under my belt. But most of all, I have an appreciation of life that most young women my age do not have. I make the most of my time, I love life and I love what it has to offer. Yet, the diagnosis still pulls me down in the dating pool.
So that’s the big question – do I tell the person I’m dating about MS? And if yes, when?
And how do I explain having a disability, even though I’m more active than other women my age?
In my last post, I admitted I had been associating with past ex-boyfriends in order to get something comfortable in my life. Scratch that. My Blackberry has been increasingly busy, and my love life a little more interesting. I realize that taking any steps back mean exactly that – taking steps back. I care about myself too much, and to move myself down on the dating latter would only make me disappointed.