Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Alive & Kicking

Sometimes you refuse to believe that something is going to work out quite well for yourself. That could be because fearing being disappointed should you get your hopes a little too high. Then, for a moment, you imagine that something you hope for did not come true. What then? Would all that time spent feeling hopeful and happy have been a waste? I’m a strong believer in maintaining a sense of excitement about something, anything at all, and it will manifest.

I was gathering things from the attic when I decided to take a break and sit down. A few minutes of relaxation, I realize I’m sitting in my wheelchair, unintentionally.

I have come so far from where I was a little over two years ago. Straight A’s in school, a stable life, the best of friends, an active (maybe over active) social life, and a level of happiness I had never dreamed of.

There are setbacks. There will be people that bring you down, situations that bring out the worst in you and days where leaving the house feels like torture. But you can’t let those setbacks keep you from living. You never know whether tomorrow will bring you the best of opportunities or the worst of moods – but that’s the glory of it. You can't appreciate the good in things unless you have experienced the bad.

Why is it that the most appealing fruit is always on the highest branch?
...Because you can’t see the imperfections from a distance.