Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Today is my 5-year anniversary of my diagnosis.

I was accepted to two Universities simultaneously over the weekend – without any interviews. A part of me likes to think that this may have been on purpose. In my entrance essays, I wrote about my journey with Multiple Sclerosis and how I was diagnosed on Valentine’s Day. Their timing couldn't have been any more perfect, or ironic. I have to admit, in both essays, I wrote something like, "while in a wheelchair, I dreamed of going to ___ University" (I changed the name in both essays, of course). Maybe this was their way of showing me some love.

Who knows?

I came home from work to find two huge packets from both colleges. Nervous as I could be, I tore open the first package and dug through until I found the letter from the Dean; a double “Congratulations!”

After crying for almost an hour, this overwhelming sense of purpose and relief came over me. It’s like working your hardest for a goal that almost seems impossible, to only have it come true. Five years ago, I thought life was over, I thought things were hopeless. Now, my future is infinite of opportunities. Here I am, exactly where I was dreaming to be 5-years ago. The next step: finding an apartment close to school. Hopefully somewhere that's not scary, an apartment where I don't have to sleep with an uzi under the bed. Are there ninja classes I can take?

So, I’m not sad about today. I’m not exactly celebrating it neither. To me, it is only a milestone in the future I have completely mapped out for myself while I sat for months in rehab. Hard work and patience do pay off.

P.S... Please donate to my Walk for MS team. And if you would like to join in, just click the join our team button! Donations will help find a cure. I'd like to live a long and very awesome life. Donate here!